Interweaving ...

Digital Transformations, Design & Interweaving

WorkEm is an advisory and facilitation company. We create valuable change and impact for Digital Transformations through Design, Interweaving, and Architecting.


We have worked for and with...

UN/CEFACT, EU, ISOIEC, CEN, W3C, GS1, OMG, Sandvik Coromant, Luxemburg, LFV, LFV Consulting, SFTI, SKR, Inera, DIGG, Verva, Statskontoret, Stockholms Läns Landsting, SGU, Försvarsmakten högkvarteret, Försvarshögskolan, NUTEK, SIDA, BEAst, Odette, Posten, Bankföreningen, NEA, Handelsbanken International, SHB, SEB, Swedbank, SPADAB, Bankföreningen, Caperio, NEA, HSB, Dow Jones, Bridge informationssystem, Applixware, NXP, Banco Santander, La Caixa, Reuters, Sybase, AT&T & AUCS, Norstella, Svensk Programvaruindustri, SAAB, Catholica University, Stockholm University, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).

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