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Designing For The Future: Mutability And Changeability (1)

One of the design qualities that design projects should consider is what changes in a solution, artefact or service are anticipated. Or, how should they evolve over time?This quality is often called the mutability or changeability of a solution. Both concern the inherent capacity of a design to be changed, adapted to changes, extended, modified and...

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  1016 Hits

Work-Oriented Approach (to Information Products) (WOA)

The Work-Oriented Approach (to Information Products) (WOA) is a research-based method that addresses information production and consumption.The focus is on individuals' use and organisations' co-use of information such as reports, studies and models to increase organisations' aggregate utility and improve stakeholder values and economic, social and...

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  1616 Hits

Att sätta fart på digitaliseringen i offentlig sektor

Digitaliseringen i offentlig offentlig sektor är viktig men har fortfarande många utmaningar att ta sig igenom eller runt.En av dom är digital samverkan genom säkert och tillitsfullt utbyte av digitala meddelanden. Till exempel för att ersätta faxen. I en serie artiklar kommer jag att berätta om ett nytt medel för digital samverkan - PLATTFORMEN FÖ...

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  1400 Hits

Hur kan SGSI, Plattformen och SDK-federationen integreras?

Detta är en platshållare för en framtida artikel om hur SGSI, Plattformen för eDelivery och SDK-federationen passar ihop. Teaser:De tre kompletterar varandra, dvs de ersätter inte varandra. Den enklaste integrationen mellan de tre är att skapa an ny SGS-federation med speciella regler för styrning och ledning, deltagande, säkerhet och tillit, trans...

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  1374 Hits

Plattformen för Säkert och Tillitsfullt Utbyte av Digitala Meddelande i Gemenskaper (STUDMIG)

Innehållsförteckning Hur en plattform som STUDMIG är uppbyggd och varför?Hur skapas nyttor skapas och var det det finns nätverkseffekter, för vem?Hur kan ledtider signifikant förkortas för utveckling och införande av samverkansuppdrag?Vad är skillnaden mellan en Plattform, Infrastruktur, Byggblock och Specifikation.Vad är nödvändig variation och on...

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  1276 Hits

What is Design vs. Architecture? According to whom?

Well, the answer typically depends on who is asked since there are many views and positioning of others. Amongst the opinionated, we find the following roles or professions. • Business executives, managers, and specialists • Designers • Business Designers • Service Designers • Business Architects (BA • Enterprise Architects (EA) ⁃ System Architect,...

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  1154 Hits

Explaining Design Thinking - Distinctions that matter

The Design Thinking approach (DT) to design, innovation, and problem-solving has been around for a long time in the design community. DT is gaining traction in new fields, such as developing societies, strategies, and businesses. Non-designers have also started to embrace DT. The wider applications and experiences gained from using Design Thinking ...

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  1107 Hits

The Balance between Stakeholders and Architects

In interweaved Enterprise Architecture (iEA) we encourage the understanding and balanced accommodations between the participating stakeholders and architects and the work they do with others. They all have to listen to each other. If stakeholders see little use for architectural products, the architects should listen to why, and stakeholders should...

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  1132 Hits

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28 March 2024
interweaved Platform Development
One of the design qualities that design projects should consider is what changes in a solution, artefact or service are anticipated. Or, how should they evolve over time?This quality is often called the mutability or changeability of a solution. Both...
07 February 2024
The Work-Oriented Approach (to Information Products) (WOA) is a research-based method that addresses information production and consumption.The focus is on individuals' use and organisations' co-use of information such as reports, studies and models ...
05 January 2024
Business Design practice
In this transformation, we introduce the concept of Triple Bottom Line into the iBMC. The central idea behind the Triple Bottom Line is that organisations should evaluate their performance from a broader perspective, including their social and enviro...
05 January 2024
Business Design practice
In this transformation, we introduce the concept of Circular Economy into the up until now the linear iBMC. More to come soon. . The full article is found here:...
05 January 2024
Business Design practice
In this transformation, we introduce the concept of Strategy to the  iBMC. More to come soon. . The full article is found here:...